
Writing 15

   HOW TO GET GOOD MARKS!!  It isn't easy to get good marks when you don't pay attention in class so to improve your marks you must follow these tips: - Don't talk with your friends in class and pay attention to teacher because this is so useful to get goog marks. - Do the things that your teacher gives you for homework so you can understand the concepts better. - Do the homework everyday because it's important for know thet you understand the concepts that the teacher explains to you class. - Study everyday to learn better the things for the exam. - Don't insult your teachers or patners. - You must be quiet in class. If you follow these tips, you will get good marks this term.

Quality Comment: 5

      I AM HAVING A PARTY, WANNA COME?   For me, going to a party it's such fun becuase you can talk with new people, but you can go oce you've  finished your homeworks. I think that you before going to a party you must do the important things like homeworks and study. After, you can going to the party calm because you finished your homework so, you can enjoy the party becuase you aren't worried about your homeworks. I love going to a party because I dance a lot with my friends and I have a great time. On the other hand, it's not always good going to a party because to the next day you can be too tired to do something useful. To conclute, you must do your homeworks before going to a party because you enjoy more the party.

Quality Comment: 4

HE MAY BE COOKING UP AN IDEA!!!   I think that the best season is the summer because you don't have to do anything anymore in this season and it's my favourite because I can go to the beach all day and at night I can go to a  party with my friends without worrying what time I have to get up or what I have to study. For me, the positive things are that I can do everything without worrying and I enjoy  the activities of the summer, for example: going to the river with my dog or sunbathing on the beach while reading a book. The negative things are if I don't pass to the next level my mother won't let me do what I want. As well, it's too hot and this is a little unbearable  because sometimes I can't stand it. To conclude, the summer is the best season to do the thing that you want.

Quality Comment: 3

  TELL THEM IT'S JUST HUMAN NATURE   I think that the human nature is the most dangerous in the world because they have the machines to destroy the nature and humans are unpredictable in one moment they can destroy all effortless and this it's too dangerous for the peoInple and animals that live there. All this must be due to greed, power and desire to be the one in charge of others. In the past, humans weren't the most important or most dangerous beings because they don't have the any weapons to dominate the animals thet are stronger than them. The most dangerous are for example: the apes, the simions and all kind of animals. The human evolved and nowadays they are the strongest. However, humans are very dangerous for themselves because they make wars. To conclude, humans nature is the most dangerous because they want to have the power and the riches to govern and they don't care who is on the way.

Quality comment: 2

              BORED OF RINSE, REPEAT? For me, repeating a school year is the most silliest thing that you will do in your life because if you want to go out the next summer, your parents won't let you out. Moreover, you will have to do the same year again and it's very boring, so as well you will have to make new friends because you won't be in the same class. Almost aways, the teenagers that don't pass to the next level are the students that they don't want to study and they want to leave the school when they are old enough. But these people don't know that don't pass the level is more boring than goiong on to the next level because you have to  listen to the same things you heard the previous year again. To motivate teenagers teachers should talk about the consequences of not going to the next level, such as not being with their friends and not being able to speak with them any more. You'll see how they study for to meet with their friends and they wil

Writing 14

"MOBILE PHONES":  Twenty years ago, mobile phones were for bunisspeople. Nowadays, it's impossible to find a   teenager without one, but are the mobiles the best way for teenagers to communicate? In my   opinion, mobile phones are awful for teenagers.   The positive things are that teenagers can speak with people from the all world amd they can              search a lot of information in Google. You can use mobiles phones for doing homework or search      information for doing a presentation.   The negative things are that teenagers forget meeting with their friends face-to-face, which is so        important because you go out snd play, for example, football. Some teenagers fall into an addiction    because they use too much time with the mobiles phones.   In conclusion, mobiles phones can be good or bad accordimg to what you use it for. For you mobile    phones are useful or not?Why?Why not?

Writing 13

                                                                    "REASSURING SOMEONE"       Laura: What's the matter, Gemma? You look worried.       Gemma: I've got to give a presentation in my English class next week, and I'm nervious. I               don't think I can do it.       Laura: Of course you can! You're good at English. You don't need to worry.       Gemma: Yes, but you know I'm really shy. It's frightening in front of those people!       Laura: True, it's not easy if you are shy, but don't worry. You'll do it so well!       Gemma: Well, the problem is when I speak in class I feel embarrased and go red. Then I mix          up the words.         Laura: Hmm! Listen, I think I can help you. Have you fisnished the presentation yet?         Gemma: Well, yes, I've more or less finished it.         Laura: No problem! You can practise on I and Naiara or Carmen.         Gemma: It's a fantastic idea! I'll fee